jeetal shah

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Lekhny Story -19-Apr-2024

Story of a day.

The Unforgettable Journey

Once upon a time, in the bustling city of Mumbai, two friends named Mini and Ekta embarked on an adventurous train journey to Delhi. They were filled with excitement, dreaming of the historical sites and the delicious street food that awaited them. Little did they know, their journey would test their friendship and resilience in ways they never imagined.

The Departure

The journey began smoothly, with laughter and stories filling their cozy compartment. As the train chugged out of the station, they waved goodbye to the familiar skyline, ready for the experiences ahead.

The First Hurdle

However, not long into their trip, the train came to a sudden halt. A heavy monsoon rain had caused a landslide, blocking the tracks ahead. Hours ticked by, and the passengers grew restless. Mini and Ekta, however, found solace in each other's company, playing card games and sharing snacks.

The Midnight Scare

In the dead of night, while most passengers slept, a loud thud jolted everyone awake. A tree had fallen onto the train, causing a minor derailment. Panic ensued, but Mini and Ekta stayed calm, helping others and each other. It took the entire night for the crew to clear the tracks and repair the damage.

The Test of Patience

As the journey resumed, the train faced yet another challenge. The air conditioning failed during the scorching heat of the day. The compartment turned into an oven, and tempers flared. Mini, who was prone to heat exhaustion, struggled immensely. Ekta, with her quick thinking, dampened handkerchiefs with water for them to cool off, showcasing her caring nature.

The Bond of Friendship

Despite the difficulties, the two friends discovered the depth of their bond. They supported each other through every obstacle, finding strength in their unity. They shared stories of their lives, dreams, and fears, growing closer than ever before.

The Arrival

Finally, after what seemed like an endless voyage, the train rolled into Delhi. They stepped out, weary but wiser, their friendship solidified by the trials they had overcome. The city greeted them with open arms, and they knew that this journey would be etched in their memories forever.

The end.

This tale of Mini and Ekta's journey from Mumbai to Delhi is a testament to the strength of friendship and the spirit of adventure. Despite the difficulties they faced, they emerged with unforgettable memories and a bond that could withstand any challenge.


Arti khamborkar

22-Apr-2024 02:30 PM

V nice


Mohammed urooj khan

20-Apr-2024 12:47 PM



Reena yadav

20-Apr-2024 12:06 PM

